Muzeul Universității vă dorește o activitate fructuoasă în noul semestru și vă așteaptă să îl vizitați.
Regăsiți, mai jos, și invitația către cadrele didactice, vizând planificarea unor activități în cadrul muzeului.
Universitatea din Avignon anunță lansarea apelului la candidaturi în cadrul Programului de burse de excelență Mistral 2024-2025 (Bourses d'excellence Mistral – Avignon Université (, care se adresează studenților de nivel Master.
Persoane de contact la UAIC: Elena Felice, Diana Lina
MSCA announces new call dates for 2024 calls
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will support training, skills and career development of researches by funding doctoral programmes, postdoctoral fellowships and collaborative projects with over €1.23 billion in 2024.
MSCA announces new call dates for 2024 calls | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (
Persoane de contact la UAIC: Elena Felice, Diana LinaDear MSCA NCP,
We are glad to inform you that today we published the indicative calendar of calls for proposals supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) in 2024.
The call dates and budget are tentative and will be confirmed and published on the EU’s Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal once the revised Horizon Europe 2023-2025 work programme is adopted in spring.
This year, the MSCA will provide organisations with over €1.23 billion to support researchers from all over the world, at all stages of their career and in all disciplines. The funding will also benefit institutions by supporting excellent doctoral and postdoctoral programmes as well as collaborative research and innovation projects.
The original budget foreseen in the current 2023-2024 Work Programme has been revised upwards, to take account of the UK’s contribution following its association to Horizon Europe as from 1st January this year. UK organisations will therefore be eligible to fully take part in MSCA 2024 calls.
We invite you to share the news among your networks, potential beneficiaries and on social media:
Best wishes
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Directorate C – Innovation, Digital Education and International Cooperation
Unit C.2 –Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Facebook: Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Twitter: @MSCActions