Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in a series of scientific conferences that will take place in Burgas, Bulgaria, on the coast of the Black Sea, as a part of the International Scientific Events 2024.
The Science and Education Foundation, along with its partners, will be hosting six scientific conferences, and we would be honored to have your participation in these events.
Agriculture & Food ( ) , 12th International Conference (12-15 August)
Ecology & Safety ( ) , 33rd International Conference (12-15 August)
Materials, Methods & Technologies ( ) , 26th International Conference (15-18 August)
Economy & Business ( ) , 23rd International Conference (18-21 August)
Education, Research & Development ( ) , 15th International Conference (21-24 August)
Language, Individual & Society ( ) , 18th International Conference (21-24 August)
Please note that participants are allowed to change the type of presentation (oral, poster, or online) up to 30 days before the conference date.
Additionally, online participants have the option to submit oral presentations and posters, and they will receive all printed materials (program, certificate, etc.) from the event, as well as have their papers published.
It is worth noting that representatives from universities, institutes, laboratories, and other organizations from 59 countries participated in the 2023 events.
Lastly, the papers presented during the conference will be published in open-access journals that are part of International Scientific Publications ( ) .
We are looking forward to meeting you in August!
Ivan Genov
Science & Education Foundation, Bulgaria
Chère Madame / Cher Monsieur,
L'AUF Europe Centrale et Orientale, sous l’égide de son 30ème anniversaire en 2024, a le plaisir de vous informer du lancement de l'Appel à projets de recherche 2024 : Soutien à la recherche scientifique francophone en Europe centrale et orientale – RESCI-ECO,
qui vise à soutenir la structuration et le développement de la recherche dans un cadre national et international, et l’implication des établissements membres dans ce processus:
Date limite : 31 mars 2024
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (UAIC), alături de Asociația SciPublic Forum, Social Innovation Solutions și alte universități din 6 orașe din România, organizează în aceste zile înscrieri pentru a treia ediție a Games of Science, competiție care promovează știința pe înțelesul tuturor și care oferă acces tinerilor cercetători la traininguri de comunicare publică și la o comunitate de oameni de știință și susținători ai științei din toate domeniile.
Pentru a aplica, înscrie cererea ta de pre-screening în și apoi accesează apelul NCP WIDERA Pre-screening (secțiunea Current Calls) pentru a trimite propunerea ta de proiect partea tehnică (formular B) pentru pre-screening.