The Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), a cooperation partner of University Krems, have launched a call for nominations for the Danubius Young Scientist Award 2023 to honour persons with extraordinary achievements in their scientific activity and output in relation to the Danube Region.
14 young scientists will be granted this award – one for each EUSDR country, i.e. Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Ukraine.
The award, endowed with 1,350 Euro for each winner, seeks to highlight the scientific work and talent of young researchers and enhance the visibility of the scientific community in the region. Moreover, the award encourages young scientists to engage in the scientific examination of the multifaceted issues and questions specifically related to the Danube region.
Citește mai mult: Call for nominations for the Danubius Young Scientist Award 2023
[2023.04.04 - update]
[2023.03.03 - original post]
Acord de grant nr. 349/SGU/SS/III din 08.09.2020, director de grant: conf. univ. dr. Ionut Minea
MCID a aprobat lansarea in dezbatere publica a Pachetelor de informații pentru competiţiile "Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie" - PCE 2023 si "Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea tinerelor echipe independente" - TE 2023.
Informațiile aferente celor doua competitii sunt disponibile:
In pachetele de informatii sunt definite si Conflictele de interese.
Se pot transmite propunerile/observațiile cu privire la conținutul documentului, până la data de 04 mai 2023.